Any student who resides in Idaho is eligible to attend KCA. During the lottery residents of Kootenai County will have priority over other Idaho residents
Yes! All students for the School Year 2025-26 must apply, whether or not they are a returning student. Returning students whose correct application is received by the enrollment deadline of 7:59 pm, PST, on March 10, 2025 will be guaranteed a spot for the next school year. However, ALL students – including returning students – who miss the enrollment deadline will be added to the waitlist on a first-come, first-served basis.
Idaho law requires a child to be 5- or 6- years old by September 1, 2025 to be eligible to enroll, respectively, for Kindergarten or 1st grade for the 2025-26 school year
Yes. KCA will be staffed with special education personnel who are tasked with creating Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for students in need.
Kootenai Classical Academy strongly encourages all parents to attend one of KCA’s “Parent Informational Meetings” prior to the enrollment deadline of March 10, 2025, in order to find out more about KCA’s educational philosophy, curriculum, standard practices and expectations. Moreover, a Parent/Student Handbook will be made available before registration for parents. If parents are fully in support of KCA’s mission, then they are strongly encouraged to consider KCA as the educational choice for their children and to apply by the enrollment deadline.
Yes, parents should submit an “Application for Admission” form anytime during the application period (January 9 – March 10). A link to this online application form is available on our website (kootenaiclassical.org), and may be submitted online or downloaded and emailed, or sent by regular mail. By submitting the Application for Admission form, you are merely seeking a seat in a particular grade, and you are not obligated to attend KCA nor are you guaranteed enrollment.
Proof of Residency must be provided with the Application for Admission form. Proof of Residency may include the following:
1. Utility Bill or Lease Agreement. A current (within the last 30 days) utility bill, written proof of utility service, or lease agreement indicating utilities paid with the lease; any of these must include the SAME name and address of the legal/custodial parent/guardian.
If a student’s residence or contact information changes during the school year, parents and guardians are required to notify KCA of this change. Parents and guardians must complete a change of address form and new residency paperwork accompanied by proof/documentation within 14 days of any move or change of address
State Law requires that an equitable selection process, such as a lottery, be held to determine who will be enrolled if more students apply than there are openings at any grade level.
Kootenai Classical Academy will hold a lottery in the Spring to determine placement on the waiting list for all grade levels. More information on these admission procedures are found at www.kootenaiclassical.org. KCA does not discriminate in its admission policy, or in providing access to programs or activities to students.
A lottery will be conducted if applications for enrollment exceed the number of available seats in any (or all) particular grades. Full-time enrollment preference is granted in the following order of priority:
1. to pupils returning to KCA
2. Children of KCA Founders and children of full-time KCA employees (not to exceed 10% of the school’s total enrollment);
3. to siblings of pupils already enrolled KCA;
4. Students who reside in Kootenai County; and
5. All other students by random lottery.
If a lottery is conducted, any students who are not immediately accepted will be placed on a waiting list in the order their names are selected
“Sibling” means a child who lives as a brother or sister in the same house as an enrolled student (or applicant), including:
• natural brothers or sisters with either one or both parents in common,
• adopted brothers or sisters,
• stepbrothers or stepsisters,
• foster brothers or foster sisters,
• or the child of a parent’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as the enrolled student sibling.
Additionally, a “sibling” is also any student applicant who is a natural brother or sister of an enrolled student (or applicant) but is not living in the same family unit at the same address as the enrolled (or applicant) student sibling
All successful applicants will be notified by email, phone call, or regular mail regarding acceptance within one week after the lottery deadline of March 10, 2025. All students who have been granted an available seat must complete and return online registration forms by the deadline indicated or their seats will be forfeited.
Registration forms must be accompanied by:
1. Student’s Certified Birth Certificate. Idaho state law requires that a student’s certified birth certificate be provided at the time of enrollment or within 30 days of enrollment.
2. Valid Photo ID: Valid Photo Identification of said legal/custodial parent/guardian that matches the name on the Proof of Residency.
3. Student’s Immunization Record. You will need to provide your child’s most recent vaccination record. To enter any public or private school in Idaho, all children in preschool and grades K-12 must meet immunization requirements or submit a waiver request before they can attend. No child can attend school without proof of immunization status.
State Law requires that an equitable selection process, such as a lottery, be held to determine who will be enrolled if more students apply than there are openings at any grade level.
Kootenai Classical Academy will hold a lottery in the Spring to determine placement on the waiting list for all grade levels. More information on these admission procedures are found at www.kootenaiclassical.org. KCA does not discriminate in its admission policy, or in providing access to programs or activities to students.
In the event your child is not offered a seat, he or she will be placed on a waitlist. The waitlist can change on a daily basis, and is affected by a number of variables. KCA will notify parents by email or phone as soon as their children have been accepted.
Siblings of newly accepted students who are seeking enrollment will be granted priority for enrollment based on the priority list described above. For example, if a sibling is granted enrollment in 8th grade, all of his or her other siblings who apply will be prioritized for enrollment in their respective grades, even if lotteries are held in these grades due to too many applications for available seats.