Upcoming Events

Triple Play Family Night
Come and enjoy an evening of fun with other families from KCA. Tickets are $22 each for three hours of fun! Tickets can be pre-purchased from the front office.

KCA Information Night
Come join Dr. Kaitz to learn about our school! There will be an opportunity to ask questions. This is a public event.

Rogers Hamburger Lunch
Don’t want to make lunch? Order a delicious plain kids hamburger, cheeseburger, or grilled cheese from Rogers. Meals also include a bag of chips. Orders are due to their teacher or the office by February 5th at 3:15pm.

KCA Information Night
Come join Dr. Kaitz to learn about our school! There will be an opportunity to ask questions. This is a public event.

Book Fair
SkyTree Book Fairs is a nonprofit organization committed to family-friendly book fairs that let kids be kids. Please visit their website, skytreebookfairs.org, to research the topics included in the books they carry. Come visit our book fair to purchase books and raise money for the school! All purchases go towards meeting our school fundraising goal!
Book Fair Hours
Coming Soon!

KCA Information Night
Come join Dr. Kaitz to learn about our school! There will be an opportunity to ask questions. This is a public event.

KCA Information Night
Come join Dr. Kaitz to learn about our school! There will be an opportunity to ask questions. This is a public event.

A Choral Christmas
Come and see our 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students preform Christmas songs. Each student will be given 3 tickets for family members to attend. If you have any questions, please email Alisha.Eckburg@kootenaiclassical.org.